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Sharing passions with others

I love teaching and coaching. I have used my 30 years of experience in Structural Geology in the Oil Industry to identify the fundamental topics requires of sub-surface interpretation and modeling in general

Pascal Richard on the field explaning with plan support to his team how the earth is there


Sharing passions with others

PRgeology bullet with logo style

I love teaching and coaching. I use my 30 years of experience in Structural Geology in the Oil Industry the fundamental topics requires of sub-surface interpretation and modeling in general.

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But not limited to

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Fault geometry, Fault Interpretation, Fault Kinematics
Fault Seal
Fracture characterization and Fracture modeling
Salt tectonics, delta tectonics
Seismic fault interpretation
Structural styles, Sandbox analogues
Pascal Richard teaching on the field with plans on a van. PRgeology offers Teaching services
Pascal Richard teaching on the field with plans on a van. PRgeology offers Teaching services
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Predefined and on demand​

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Scheme of earth and fault materialized, illustration for Pascal Richard classes
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Masterclass Structural Geology Must Knows

My favorite course is what I call the “Structural Geology Must Know’s”. The course content is based on what I have been using in reviews, peer assist, coaching and training sessions with geologists and geophysicists primarily, but with other discipline too, during my career with Shell. The course focusses on the fundamental of structural geology with sub-surfaces business objectives in mind.

The course has designed in Oman and is ideally run in Oman based on the immensity of the outcrops. However, the course can be adapted in other locations and adapted to the available outcrops.

The course covers

Understanding how rocks break and fault grow
Foundation to carry out seismic fault interpretation
Foundation to QA-QC fault interpretation and fault maps
The recognition of structural styles
Use of Sandbox analogues for all the above

Target Audience

Experienced and non-experienced staff


2 days in classroom, 2 days in the field

Course prerequisites

Basic knowledge of géosciences and petroleum geology in general. Awareness of structural geology will be beneficial but not mandatory.


This course is included in CVA Academy Teachings.
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Classroom Basic to Advance Structural Geology training

Program on demand

Based on your project needs, we can develop together specific training and coaching sessions. My preferred way of working is to spend time with the team to understand the technical and business needs. Depending on the location, we can run field trip to deepen specific topics. Virtual sessions, can be considered as well.

The topics for these sessions can be grouped around Faults and Fractures

Fault geometry, Understanding faulting using the Mohr Circle, Fault Interpretation, Fault growth and Kinematics, Fault interpretation, Fault QA-QC techniques, Fault reactivation, Fault Seal, Structural Styles, Strike-slip tectonics, delta tectonics, salt tectonics, etc.

Integrated Fracture characterization and Fracture modeling

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Integrated classroom training, coaching and workstation sessions

Program on demand

Based on your needs, we can develop together specific training and coaching sessions combined with working sessions.

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scheme of earth and a fault for studying
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