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Writing, Sharing, Helping

Thanks to my 30 years of experience, I have published multiple papers to help improving the Structural Geology knowledge.

Papers page of work of Pascal Richard with technical drawings and blueprints


Writing, Sharing, Helping

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Thanks to my 30 years of experience, I have published multiple papers to help improving the Structural Geology knowledge.

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Favorite Papers

Favorite published work

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Fault growth and coalescence: insights from numerical modelling and sandbox experiments

Displacement of strata varies along the strike of faults. This has important
implications for the hydrocarbon industry, since for example this affects the occurrence and distribution of fractures along faults in a reservoir and can influence the sealing capacity of faults. As faults grow, neighbouring faults will interact with each other and eventually connect or coalesce. Geometrical fault growth models for coalescence are used to explain a large part of the observed spread of one order of magnitude in Length and Maximum Throw in natural examples of fault populations. Numerical modelling indicates […]

Scheme illustrating a paper of Pascal Richard, expert in Structural Geology with his company PRgeology
Scheme illustrating a paper of Pascal Richard, expert in Structural Geology with his company PRgeology
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Kinematic interpretation and structural evolution of North Oman, Block 6, since the Late Cretaceous and implications for timing of hydrocarbon migration into Cretaceous reservoirs

On the basis of structural style and differences in Late Cretaceous evolution, the carbonate platform in northern Oman and the allochthonous wedge comprising deepwater sediments and oceanic crust in the Oman Mountains form distinct structural domains. Imbrication associated with the emplacement of the Semail Ophiolite and predominantly SW-verging thrusting of the Arabian Platform margin culminated in the late early Campanian. The structural grain of NWtrending thrust faults and contractional folds contrasts markedly with the style and grain of the region immediately south of the Oman […]
Scheme illustrating a paper of Pascal Richard, expert in Structural Geology with his company PRgeology
Scheme illustrating a paper of Pascal Richard, expert in Structural Geology with his company PRgeology
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Abu Dhabi Structural Evolution and its Implications for Exploration

A structural evolution model has been developed using 2D and 3D seismic data and the country has been divided into structural domains. The extent and quality of the seismic dataset provided a unique opportunity to investigate the country wide structural evolution. Special care has been taken to generate seismic attribute volumes that enhance sedimentary features and fault visualization. This allowed the detailed assessment of fault displacement. In addition, mapping of the edge of carbonate platforms through time at the country scale allowed the identification of long wavelength tilts of the Arabian plate in Abu Dhabi. These observations have been linked to the regional phases of deformations. The most […]

Pascal Papers drawing for illustration in Structural Geology
Pascal Papers drawing for illustration in Structural Geology
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Integrated Fracture Characterization and Modeling in North Kuwait Carbonate Reservoirs

The North Kuwait Carbonate (NKJG) reservoirs are currently under development by KOC (Kuwait Oil Company). The appraisal and development of the NKJG offer challenges such as lateral variations in reservoir quality, tight to very tight reservoirs and natural fracturing to a varying degree spatially. The presence of open, connected fractures is one of the key elements to achieve a successful development. Also, the presence of fracture corridors increase the risk associated with drilling. Numerous fracture modelling studies have been supporting both appraisal and development strategies of the fields. A structural evolution model […]
Scheme illustrating a paper of Pascal Richard, expert in Structural Geology with his company PRgeology
Scheme illustrating a paper of Pascal Richard, expert in Structural Geology with his company PRgeology
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North Oman Fault geometries in outcrops, analogues and subsurface

North Oman offers a rare opportunity for making outcrop observations of faults developed in carbonate formations that are also producing reservoirs in the subsurface. It is possible to look in great detail at fault geometries and associated fault damage zones, both in map view and cross-sections. These observations allow the establishment of geometrical concepts and rules to be established that allow the interpretation of seismic faults and the building of coherent static models. This paper highlights how the combination of the input from outcrops, a database of sandbox analogue models and high-quality seismic data enables the development of conceptual geometrical models of faults. These conceptual geometrical models support […]
Scheme illustrating a paper of Pascal Richard, expert in Structural Geology with his company PRgeology
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Lateral clay injection into normal faults

The clay content of fault gouge is one of the main factors controlling transport and mechanical properties of a fault zone. This paper addresses the process of lateral clay injection into normal faults, which is one of the many processes contributing to the development of clay smear and can lead to local enrichment of clay in a fault gouge. We combined field observations with geomechanical models to quantify the parameters leading to lateral clay injection into fault zones. Detailed field study shows that a releasing fault bend in a clay layer is required for clay injection to occur. The clay injection process is often associated with the formation of a branch in the fault and the development of a “squeezing block” which […]
Scheme illustrating a paper of Pascal Richard, expert in Structural Geology with his company PRgeology
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The main structural styles of the hydrocarbon reservoirs in Oman

The subsurface structural styles vary across Oman. Understanding this diversity has a strong impact on optimizing hydrocarbon exploration and production. This work is an attempt to summarize the main structural features that characterize the reservoir types in different tectonic domains in Oman in order to provide structural constraints on the interpretation of subsurface data, particularly in areas of poor data coverage or quality. In the South Oman Salt Basin, salt halokinesis dominated the deformation style and the orientation of local stresses. This has resulted in a tortuous framework of faults and folds. During the Palaeozoic, simultaneous differential loading of overlying sediments and salt dissolution […]
Scheme illustrating a paper of Pascal Richard, expert in Structural Geology with his company PRgeology
Scheme illustrating a paper of Pascal Richard, expert in Structural Geology with his company PRgeology
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Experimental models of strike-slip tectonics

We present a variety of models for strike-slip tectonics which represent a useful database for seismic interpreters and geologists. In pure strike-slip, the Riedel shear geometry is shown to depend on the initial stress state, interference of parallel basement faults and horizontal layering of the overburden. Above two parallel basement faults, a single wide or two separate fault zones may be mapped, depending on the depth of observation. In a heterogeneous layered sequence, upwards branching of Riedel shears occurs at layer interfaces. In oblique-slip faulting, the sense of vertical displacement and the geometry of the fault pattern are indicative of the tectonic regime. The degree of obliquity of the fault strike can be related to […]
Scheme illustrating a paper of Pascal Richard, expert in Structural Geology with his company PRgeology
Stairs of rocks, study of fault for structural geology
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